Hadoop 源码-org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.net

org.apahce.hadoop.hdfs.net 包

  1. DFSNetWorkTopology 类

    DFSNetWorkTopology 继承自 NetWorkTopology类

    类注释:The HDFS specific network topology class. The main purpose of doing this subclassing is to add storage-type-aware chooseRandom method. All the remaining parts should be the same.

  2. DFSTopologyNodeImpl 类

    DFSTopologyNodeImpl 继承自 InnerNodeImpl 类
    upload successful
    类注释:The HDFS specific representation of a network topology inner node. The difference is thsi class includes the information about the storage type info of this subtree. This info will be used when selecting subtrees in block placement.

  3. DomainPeerServer 类

    DomainPeerServer 类继承自 PeerServer 接口
    upload successful

  4. PeerServer 接口

  5. TcpPeerServer 类

    TcpPeerServer 类继承自 PeerServer 接口