Hadoop 源码-org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol

  1. BlockListAsLongs 类

    BlockListAsLonngs 类继承自 java.lang.Iterable 接口

  2. CacheDirective

    CacheDirective 类继承自 org.apache.hadoop.util.InstrusiveCollection 类

    类注释:Namenode class that tracks state related to a cached path.

  3. FSLimitException

    FSLimitException类继承自 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.QuotaExceededException

    类注释:Abstract class for deriving exceptions related to filesystem constraints.

  4. LayoutFlags

    类注释:LayoutFlags represent features which the FSImage and edit logs can either support or not, independently of layout version.

  5. LayoutVersion

    类注释:This class tracks changes in the layout version of HDFS.

    Layout version is changed for following reasons:

    a. The layout of how namenode or datanode stores information on disk changes.

    b. A new operation code is added to the editlog.

    c. Modification such as format of a record, content of a record in editlog or fsimage.

  6. RecoveryInProgressException

    RecoveryInProgressException 类继承自 IOException

    类注释:Exception indicating that a replica is already being recovery.

  7. RollingUpgradeException

    RollingUpgradeException 类继承自 IOException

    类注释:Exception related to rolling upgrade.

  8. SnapshotException

    SnapshotException 类继承自 IOException

    类注释:Snapshot related exception

  9. SnapshotInfo

    类注释:SnapshotInfo maintains information for a snapshot.

  10. UnregisteredNodeException

    UnregisteredNodeException 类继承自 IOException

    类注释:This exception is thrown when a node that has not previously registered is trying to access the name node.